CHoiCe recognises that serving Limpopo is best achieved through supporting vulnerable children and their families. The key objectives of the programmes are to improve the wellbeing of children and youth by mitigating the impact of HIV, reducing their risk and vulnerability and increasing their resilience and likelihood of developing into healthy, educated and socially well-adjusted youth people. Activities include direct support from community-based facilitators who implement comprehensive services and evidence-based interventions, focused on vulnerable children and children and adolescents living with HIV. Activities also contribute to prevention of teenage pregnancy and safe pregnancies with a focus on sexual reproductive health rights and access.
Working with key populations is central to the HIV prevention response. CHoiCe is implementing a programme which aims to reduce new infections amongst Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) in Vhembe District and improved health, education and social outcomes. This includes provision and scale-up of community HIV combination prevention solutions and approaches in priority districts for MSM, provide high quality, confidential community HIV testing and counselling and effective linkage to comprehensive prevention and care and treatment for MSM; and collaborate with key stakeholders to design, strengthen and implement quality HIV services to improve access to services for MSM. This is through biomedical, behavioural and structural interventions.
Household resilience is enhanced through the establishment of food gardens. This includes capacity development for community members on climate-smart agriculture principles as part of climate change adaptation.
The palliative care programme ensures that scarce and specialised services are provided to patients. The aim of the interventions is to improve the quality of care received by patients while in their own homes and reduce the pain and other symptoms experienced by patients as they reach end of life. CHoiCe supports the hospice movement at provincial, regional and national level.
Economic development is essential for poverty alleviation and strengthening the resilience of vulnerable households. CHoiCe is a Savings Group partner extending the methodology in Limpopo amongst identified beneficiaries. This provides an opportunity for households to gain financial literacy skills, build a culture of saving, and ensure access to safe loans for local development purposes.
From its original focus on farms, CHoiCe continues to implement programmes focused on supporting the needs of farm workers. This includes capacity building and direct service delivery to ensure that farm workers are able to access services.